Antenatal Care

Dr Roberts performing pregnancy ultrasound

Regular antenatal visits will help to ensure the health of both mother and baby throughout the pregnancy. They are also an opportunity for you to discuss any problems you may be having and to bond with the baby. Problems detected early enough may be able to be treated or minimised, thereby avoiding issues such as premature delivery and excessively high blood pressure.

Antenatal Care Template & Scheduled Visits

At our first meeting we get to know you better and take a complete medical history, to identify any issues which may be a factor during the pregnancy. At each visit we check your blood pressure, listen to the baby’s heartbeat, measure the uterine size and answer any questions. We usually meet every 4 weeks up until 30 weeks of pregnancy and more frequently after

10 Weeks (First Visit) - Heart & Lung check

  • Ultrasound scan & fetal heartbeat
  • Arrange routine blood tests
  • Discuss options for Down Syndrome screening
  • Facilitate Hospital Booking
  • Answer any questions you may have

14 Weeks - Discuss test results, arrange 19 week morphology Ultrasound

18-20 Weeks - Discuss ultrasound results

24 Weeks – Routine visit

28 Weeks - Arrange Glucose Tolerance Test

32 Weeks - Routine visit

34 Weeks - Do Ultrasound to assess fetal growth, fluid volume and fetal lie

36 Weeks - Discuss labour and delivery information, do vaginal swab for Group B Strep screening

37 Weeks Until Delivery - Weekly visits to check fetal growth, BP and heart beat